Home                                                      2023 Clan Reunion Info
                                                                                            last updated 7/07/2023
                                Complete and Return your Family Picnic Registration Form sent by email, if you haven't already. 
                                                                    Registration Deadline, Sunday June 25, 2023

An email has been sent to all on the Family Reunion Mailing List with registration information.  Reminders will also been sent.  Watch your email for info. 

You can receive mailing lists of family members; genealogy reports, charts and lists; and other information directly from Jack.  Send an email, call, text  or write for what you are interested in receiving.

If you have family historical information (photos, charts, memorabilia, etc.) that you are willing to share, please contact Jack so that it can be added to the repository of genealogical information that we are collecting.  Any material that you wish returned will be scanned and returned to you.

2023 Family Reunion Date: Saturday, July 8, 2023 at Verona Beach State Park, Verona, NY.  Put it on your calendar! 

Get more info on Verona Beach S.P. at https://parks.ny.gov/parks/102/details.aspx

What:   Annual Family Reunion of the Curtiss/Woods-Higham-Seubert-Smith Families.  And, we will celebrate and commemorate the following:
            Birthdays:        TBA  in the Reunion Program  
            Births:             Darren Robert Phoenix, May 5      

            Graduations:  TBA in the Reunion Program              

            HS/College     TBA

  TBA in the Reunion Program

   TBA in the Reunion Program


Any other significant events that have occurred in the past year?  (Be sure to let us know so we can appropriately include them in the list.)

Where:  Verona Beach State Park, South Pavilion, Verona Beach, NY  
We have returned to VBSP for the reunion now reopened after Covid restrictions.  The directions to VBSP are same as they were before, Route 13, Verona Beach.  We only have vehicle access to the pavilion from about 7:00 A.M. until 10:00 A.M.  All equipment and passengers needing access to the pavilion must be there during this window of time.  We will check to see if VBSP transportation might be available after 10 o'clock for those needing a ride to the pavilion.

When:  Saturday, July 8, 2023
Freshly brewed coffee and "munchies" starting at 11:00 A.M.  We plan to eat by 1:00 P.M. 
                                                    Arrive early for swimming, boating, golf, lake watching, and much more.
                             [N.B.  We will not be cooking again this year, so the time from arrival to 1:00 P.M. will be for set up.]

Business Meeting following the meal.

Entertainment?  We will have a Karaoke machine to use as an amplifier and for entertainment (CDs and Audio Tapes)
                        If you need projection equipment, let us know.  We need some young talent to organize and entertain.  Volunteers??

Who:  All members of the clans mentioned above and listed below. 
What to Bring:  Bring a dish (or 2) to pass.
                         Bring lawn chairs if you don't want to sit the entire time on a picnic bench. 
                         Bring swimming gear, if you wish to swim.
                         Bring sun screen, sun hats, and a light jacket in the event of windy conditions.

An "executive decision" was made following the 2011 Reunion to do away with the hassle of cooking at the picnic site for the 2012 Reunion.  Based on the earlier success, this option has been continued.  We can always go back to cooking on site if there is demand. 

Consequently, the menu options of things to bring are now wider to include more meat dishes (hot and cold) in place of the grilled meats.  Electricity is available in the pavilion for crock pots, and sterno heated chafing dishes make possible having hot meat-oriented dishes as well as the usual cold platters, salads, and the other varieties of delicious offerings we have enjoyed in the past from the creative cooks among the family members.
What will be Provided:  Coffee (reg, decaf, and half caf) and hot chocolate; a selection of sodas, bottled fruit ades and bottled water; and hot/cold drink cups.  Condiments, including: napkins, paper towels, and disposable tablecloth.  There will be extra table service (plates, flatware, etc.).  
A small sheet cake will be provided

Costs:  We will incur the following expenses:  pavilion rental with garbage pickup; reimbursement for ice and beverages, if neededetc. (see above). 
           A collection will be taken to cover these costs. 
           An amount will be determined on a family basis and will be approximately $5 per family member. 
           The total amount will be printed on the name tag of the Family Group Head to facilitate a single payment.
           Payment will be collected by the picnic treasurer.

Take home containers and carrying bags will be available, as in the past, so plan to take home extra food at the end of the picnic.

Menu List from 2022

Sloppy Joes in Crock Pot & Buns
Snack Shack Hot Dogs
Sub Sandwich Platter, (Ham & Cheese, Turkey & Cheese)
Pinwheel Sandwiches
Mac and Cheese Crockpot
Mac and Cheese with Veggies
Honey Chicken Pasta Salad
Salt Potatoes
Texas Caviar with tortilla chips
Tortilla Chips and Salsa
Pasta Salad
Cold Shrimp Platter
Baked Beans
Deviled Eggs
Cucumber Salad
Veggie Salad
Watergate Salad
Potato Chips, individual bags
Cheese & Crackers
Veggie Relish Tray
Fruit Bowl
Banana Cream Pie
Strawberry Brownie Skewers
Strawberry Jello Dessert
Donut Holes

Menu List for 2023:
 Cowboy Baked Beans,
    Sausage, Onions, Peppers & Rolls
    Memphis Meatballs,
    Cheesy Cauliflower Casserole
    Hot Dogs & rolls (with condiments)
    Smoked Turkey slices

    Macaroni Salad,
    Cole Slaw
    Vegetable Salad
    Broccoli Cauliflower Salad
    Potato Salad,
    7 layer Taco Dip w/Tortilla Chips,
    Veggie Tray,
    Cheese Sticks 
    Potato Chips (Individual Bags)
    Shrimp Ring

    Fruit Bowl

    Great Grandma's Chocolate Cake
    Oreo Cookie Cake
    Dessert Trifle
    Donut Holes

Attendance 2023:  24   

Woods/Stevens/Curtiss Clan
: total: 0
Higham Clan:     total: 12
Seubert Clan:    total: 0
Smith Clan:       total: 12
Final Attendance, as of 7/9/2023: 

Regrets 2023: 
Michael & Jorjia Costello; Carol & Chris Curtiss; Jim, Tyler, Justin & Cole Entwistle; Mark & Eli Glazer; Peg Higham & family; Jane Higham; Ben Hughes; Luis Deanda Lukaszewski & family; Roberta & Bernie Neu; Abigail & David Wendell

Tentative Reunion Agenda

The following items are a suggested agenda for the reunion.
                    Feel free to improvise, or suggest changes.

Registration:                           Mary T      Pay Mary;
                                                             Pick up name tags, programs, and agenda

Set up:                                  Everyone pitch in to make the task lighter

Announcements:                    Jack         Orientation to the Park and Facilities
                                                            Orientation to the Reunion Program
                                                                    “We Are All Related!”
                                                            Orientation to the Agenda

                                            Mary Taglieri -  Smith Clan
                                            Jack Higham - Higham Clan

Group Photo before we eat.    Convene outside the pavilion on the East side of the pavilion apron under the trees

Doxology:                              Florie Parmelee, ukelele
                                            Miriam Smith Parmelee
Picnic Dinner:
                    Please linger after eating for photos before setting off for Games and Entertainment.

Photos-                             Full Group (Assemble in front of the pavilion) (Taken before dinner)
                                        Seating by Family Groups: 11 Family Groups attending;
                                        Others Out-of Staters; Cousins, Families, Guests, etc.

                                        Park Facilities: Swimming; Hiking
                                        Sylvan Beach amusement Park
                                        Genealogy Paper Games:
                                                    Relatives 1
                                                    Relatives 2
                                                    Camden Bridges
                                        Board Games
                                        Photo Albums; Family Memorabilia; Westdale Book, etc.
                                        Song Fest
                                        Sign Get Well Cards

Tear Down/Clean Up:         Everyone pitch in to make the task lighter
