
Photos from Across the Family Branches

60th Anniversary Party Jack & Jan August 10, 2019
Campfire 6 
pic by Joe.  
Note the people in the Great Room, and the outside setup we had to accommodate everyone either indoors or outdoors.
L to R: Riley, toasting his "dogs: Jim; Joan; Grandma; Cole; Grandpa; Arik; John; others not in view (see other camp fire shots); Ann

60th Anniversary Party Jack & Jan August 10, 2019

Campfire 6
pic by Joe.
Note the people in the Great Room, and the outside setup we had to accommodate everyone either indoors or outdoors.
L to R: Riley, toasting his "dogs: Jim; Joan; Grandma; Cole; Grandpa; Arik; John; others not in view (see other camp fire shots); Ann

CakeCut_1481_1K.JPG CakeCut_1482_1K.JPG CampfireJoe.jpg Campfire_1509_1K.JPG Campfire_1510_1K.JPG